How’s your nutrition knowledge?  Answer FACT or FICTION for each statement.  

  1. Eating carbohydrates, like bread and cereal, cause weight gain.  FACT OR FICTION?
  2. The best diet for sustainable weight loss is a low carb, high protein diet.  FACT OR FICTION?            
  3. Fresh produce is nutritionally superior to canned or frozen produce.  FACT OR FICTION?             
  4. Gluten-free foods are healthier.  FACT OR FICTION?                                                                   
  5. Soy foods can cause cancer.  FACT OR FICTION?                                                                              
  6. Skipping breakfast will cause weight loss.  FACT OR FICTION?                                                         
  7. Almond milk is a better choice than dairy milk.  FACT OR FICTION?                                               
  8. Going for a 10-minute walk is better than doing nothing at all.  FACT OR FICTION?                       
  9. No one should eat refined carbohydrates, like white bread or sugary foods.  FACT OR FICTION?  
  10. Social media is a good place to find credible nutrition information.  FACT OR FICTION?    

See answers below. 

  1. Eating carbohydrates, like bread and cereal, cause weight gain.  FICTION Eating more calories than our bodies need, whether those calories come from carbohydrate, fat, protein, or alcohol, will cause weight gain.  
  2. The best diet for sustainable weight loss is a low carb, high protein diet.  FICTION No one diet fits all.  The best diet for sustainable weight loss, is a diet that fits with our lifestyles and has the right amount of calories for our individualized needs. Both caloric and macronutrient (carbohydrate, fat, and protein) needs vary based on our age, gender, height, weight, physical activity level, and medical conditions.  We benefit when about 75% of the food we eat comes from plants. A plant-based diet that includes animal protein, dairy, and eggs, has more plants, like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds, avocado, and plant oils.  Plant foods provide not only carbohydrate, but fat and protein as well.                   
  3. Fresh produce is nutritionally superior to canned or frozen produce. FICTION Frozen and canned produce are harvested at their peak and frozen or canned within hours of picking. Vitamins and minerals are preserved, even with a longer shelf life.  Frozen and canned goods have the same nutritional value as fresh, sometimes more nutritional value.  If fresh produce is picked before it’s ripe and then travels a week or two before reaching the grocery store, then that produce has lost some of its nutritional value by the time it reaches our table. Buying seasonal, local produce is always a plus because we know it’s fresh and we can prepare it the way we like it. Choosing canned or frozen produce, with no added sugar or salt, allows us to have fruits and vegetables on hand. We often don’t get enough fruits and vegetables in our diets and frozen and canned goods make it possible for us to eat more fruits and veggies! Additionally, we don’t have to wait until next summer to enjoy green beans or corn, for example.        
  4. Gluten-free foods are healthier.  FICTION   Gluten-free foods are healthier for those with celiac disease or gluten intolerance because their bodies cannot process gluten properly. However, for those of us with no medical reason to eat gluten-free foods, we don’t need them! Gluten-free foods are lower in fiber and many vitamins and minerals in processing. Whole grains will be a better choice for most of us!                                                      
  5. Soy foods can cause cancer.  FICTION  At one time, the isoflavones, a plant nutrient found in soy foods, were thought to increase the risk of breast cancer.  That has been disproven in more recent years.  In fact, one or two servings a day of soy foods such as tempeh, tofu, soy milk, and edamame, have been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Soy foods are high in protein and fiber, a benefit for our hearts and waist lines as well.                                                                         
  6. Skipping breakfast will cause weight loss.  FICTION  Skipping breakfast may cause some weight loss in the short term, but the weight loss may not be sustainable.  Skipping breakfast can lead to lower energy during the day to perform our activities.  We may be hungrier at our next meal, eating more calories than we need at one time. We need protein along with carbohydrate and a little fat to rev up our metabolism.  Skipping breakfast may lead to a loss of muscle mass over time, slowing our metabolisms.  We may overeat later to make up for missing breakfast.  Again, over time, with loss of muscle mass and slower metabolism, we may begin to put on body fat.  We may change our body composition to a higher fat to muscle ratio.                                                          
  7. Almond milk is a better choice than dairy milk. FICTION The next time you have a chance to read the Nutrition Facts panel and the ingredient list on a carton of almond milk, do it! You will notice the first ingredient is filtered water, not too bad.  However, compared to dairy milk, almond milk is much less nutritious.  Dairy milk has protein, calcium, vitamin D is added along with vitamin A, two important nutrients for bone health. Almond milk has 0 grams of protein and calcium must be added as a supplement.  Soy milk is the best choice for a plant-based milk as it is high in protein.
  8. Going for a 10-minute walk is better than doing nothing at all.  FACT  Many people have told me they don’t feel like walking 10 minutes is any benefit at all.  However, walking for10 minutes does provide our bodies with benefits, such as lowering blood glucose and helping us metabolize our food.  More importantly, walking 10 minutes a day may lead to walking 15 minutes, then 20 minutes, and so on.  We may build a habit of walking everyday.  We may even find ourselves looking forward to those walks!  I have seen this happen many times!  People find the joy of exercise when they start low and go slow.  
  9. No one should eat refined carbohydrates, like white bread or sugary foods.  FICTION   Whole grains do have more fiber and are less processed, which is beneficial to our bodies in many ways.  The USDA recommended at least 1/2 of our grains be consumed as whole grains.  Refined grains can be a part of a healthful diet.  Most refined grains are enriched, which means B vitamins, iron, and folate have been added back after milling.  Fiber is not added back.  While refined grains have lost their fiber and much of their protein as well, they are higher in the enriched nutrients than whole grains.             
  10. Social media is a good place to find credible nutrition information.  FICTION A lot of nutrition misinformation comes from social media.  The best source for credible nutrition comes from a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN).  RDNs specialize in food and nutrition, learning the science behind food.  RDNs also learn how to help people plan, shop for the foods they wish to eat, and prepare, healthful meals based on scientific principles and the individual’s health needs, goals, and taste preferences!  RDNs don’t advocate for omitting whole food groups, cutting calories drastically, or eliminating all favorite foods.  Rather RDNs help people learn how to eat healthfully to meet their nutrition goals, while enjoying what they are eating!  For those of us who may be confused about what to eat because of what they are hearing on social media, make an appointment with an RDN today!